Friday, August 7, 2009

this is how much I love you

You were conceived in me

Way before I was

My true child this is why I love you.

I have nursed you

more with vengeance and pride

My true child this is why I love you.

You wild untamed wench

Your animistic world

is built with my animosity

My true child this is why I love you.

You have played in the fields

of luscious memories and worst nightmares

of terrible thoughts and paranoia

My true child this is why I love you.

You have grown full well

You have ripened now

You have the strength to embrace

My true child this is why I love you.

You look dandy

Draped in fear and wrath

Even better in rage and lust

My true child this is why I love you.

Your tears are tarnished

with love and losses

over spilt blood and hissing fossils.

My true child this is why I love you.

You will never sleep

You are bestowed with eternal awakening

No song of mine could crumple you more

My true child this is why I love you.

If you think you suffer more than I do

You are wrong. I look into your eyes

All the time. I see what you see

You haunt me when I am wide awake

The constant longing

The constant pining

I’ve stretched my arms far too long

It hurts. If only I could reach you

Just once….



Nothing else could hurt me more.


This is how much I love you.

Stay still. Wait here.

My womb cringes

My perversity swells

You are not a gift

You are my responsibility that’ll never be born

An aneurism that curbs my want

You my true child are my magic charm.

10 November 2002

(from the red file)

Note: Please do not use the content without my consent.

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