Friday, November 12, 2010

Who's after Daniel?

The rack that speaks of
Glorious Past in the royal halls
vowed to celibacy, the trustworthy guards,
The replacement to the king's neglect
The only solace to the extremely desperate.

The Ethiopian of great authority
Under the Candace Queen
Receiving the gospel from Philip,
went his way rejoicing.

The only time history speaks of his joy.

in the courts of the King of Babylon
watched over the blemishless children of Judah
countenance glowing with divine conviction
flourished with knowledge and skill
blessed in all learning and wisdom
Unarmed victors amidst magicians and astrologers
masked as Beltheshazar, Shadrach, Mishach and Abed-nego
and with all secrets sealed

Should Daniel be the last patronised hero?

24 August 2007
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Confirm and Reconfirm – Just to be sure!

My thoughtful friend Alan, the winking follower of this blog, dropped in one evening after many years. Obviously a lot had changed or so I thought. He looked very different from the person I remember going to school with.

We grew up in a school where everyone knew everyone and hardly anyone outside of it, except the names of President, Prime Minister and the Chief Minister. So our school friends and their siblings were almost like our extended families. Even today, if any of my school friends bumped into each other in any part of the world, we could continue a conversation from where we last left.

After exchanging pleasantries, Alan mentioned it was his youngest brother’s birthday. I responded with a delightful, “Oh! That’s wonderful. Wish Michael Angelo a Happy Birthday on my behalf”, Alan’s eyes rolled to the side and had a confused look but managed to keep a straight face. Given his long silence, I eventually sensed something was not right, so I wanted to confirm with him, “It’s your younger brother Michael Angelo’s birthday right?” OK so Alan’s younger brother’s name was not ‘Michael’ Angelo and it wasn’t his birthday either. It was his youngest brother’s birthday. Bad enough I didn’t remember Avon, I 'had' to confirm, and I ‘had’ to ask, “You have one more brother?", Alan confirmed and was once again getting comfortable, regaining his former self until I wanted to reconfirm with, “Are you sure?”

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